With the rapid advancement of information technology in recent years, many
banks have promoted mobile banking services, which have become one of the most popular
forms of electronic banking. Students, in particular, are becoming the target of mobile
banks due to their dynamism, easy access to technology, and openness to new experiences.
The research team conducted direct surveys of 301 students at universities in Hanoi to
determine the impact of Mobile Banking service quality on student happiness. The study
identified 9 factors that directly affect the quality of Mobile Banking services using
exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural model analysis,
including: reliability, assurance security, responsiveness, app design, safety and security,
convenience, simplicity, ease of use, satisfaction, banking fees and Empathy. The findings
also demonstrate that the quality of Mobile Banking services has a direct impact on student
happiness in Hanoi, in particular, and in Vietnam in general. Management implications for
improving the quality of Mobile Banking services to promote student happiness were